Use Carousel With Columns
The recent work carousel can be used inside of column shortcodes to control the size. By default it will display all categories of portfolio posts. Users can specify that only a specific category is displayed instead of all categories, which gives you full control over what posts are seen by viewers.[/one_third] [two_third last=»yes»][separator top=»25″ style=»none»][products_slider cat_slug=»» number_posts=»5″ show_cats=»no» show_price=»yes» show_buttons=»no»][/two_third] [separator top=»40″] [title size=»2″]Features and Customizations[/title] [one_half last=»no»] [checklist icon=»check» iconcolor=»» circle=»yes»]
- Unlimited use and items per carousel and per page
- Specify a specific category to display in recent work carousel
- Specify the number of posts that will be displayed
- Show/hide categories, price and buttons on rollover
- Use with column shortcodes to control the width
- Set the link target attribute to control how the link opens